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Welcome to the DougCoDems News Blog

Angela Thomas, Chair

2021 Reproductive Rights March

WOW! What a turnout. The main organizer of this march told me she didn't sleep the night before because she feared we would have only eight people show up. She was nearly in tears as she watched the parking lot fill with cars and people poured out of those cars. I want to commend Nancy Loeb-Mann and Julia Varnell-Sarjeant for seeing a need and filling it. We estimated that we had 200+ people from the very young to those who marched for these rights back in the '70s. We had participants from Jefferson, El Paso, Denver, and Arapahoe counties and people from Wyoming and North Dakota.

An important note is that we received such a positive response. The responses from other pedestrians as well as those in their cars on the street were overwhelming. No one threw anything at us, and no one yelled obscenities. The negative responses were minimal, with a few thumbs-down gestures. I was so proud of all the people who took to the street to stand up for reproductive rights.

I hear from many in Castle Rock that they fear taking to the streets, dropping literature, displaying a sign, and letting the community know they are part of the democratic party. But, I would tell you, that wasn't the case on Saturday. I know that many attended the rally in Denver, which is terrific. I hope next time you will consider joining in with Douglas Co. My conversations with many folks indicate that they think there aren't people like them in this area. While we might be small, we are mighty. But, unfortunately, many folks don't speak up. If you are one of those people, please know there are more of us, and you are welcome to join in. We need every person who shares our values and world views to come together to make a difference. So, would you please reach out to us and get involved.


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